Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Reading PR 2.0 New Media, New Tools, New Audiences
And there it was. PR 2.0 New Media, New Tools, New Audiences 2008 by Deidre Breakenridge. Well, I'm half way through and so far I found some helpful tips that I'd like to share with you about media gathering tools, databases of media contacts, and even updating your company/organization's media library. I hope in the second half there will be more examples and almost a how-to section. Like what does a social media release actually look like? I'll share a highlight of tips and sources hopefully next Wednesday.
I'm going out of town where computers are scarce for my little brother's wedding. I'm excited about my new family members. I'll have a sister-in-law and two smart and adorable nephews.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Media Training: Don't talk with your mouth full
Before heading over to one of Atlanta's television stations for a PSA taping with an athlete I lead a super brief media training with my co-workers at our nonprofit. I talked about tips for talking to reporters about good stories, how to handle negative stories that catch you off guard and the middle-ground stories that make you feel nervous. I also handed out a cheat sheet for common questions about our organization with answers.
While preparing for this training I thought about what I hated as a reporter and asked them to not do it. Plus, I remembered the time a colleague forgot to turn off his cell phone during a live TV interview. His mischievous friend and co-worker called him a zillion times. Luckily, the phone was on vibrate.
And I looked on the Internet for advice. No wonder companies charge to teach you how to work with reporters. Info's pretty scarce out there. But here are three articles I used:
Six tips for taking control in media interviews from the Microsoft Small Business Center and Media Training Tips: Maximising Your Media Moment and Media Tips: A Media Training Primer for Today's Executives from Ezine articles.
I wonder what's worked for other PR people out there when training colleagues to talk to the media.