Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Still in search of a practitioner's PR 2.0 book

Deirdre Breakenridge's PR 2.0 New Media, New Tools, New Audiences came out in March trying to reach three audiences: academicians who need theory and history; PR old timers and newbies with some knowledge of how to use the internet in PR but need to catch up. And that was almost an impossible job. I was looking for more concrete examples and a practitioner's how-to. Those items were scrapped for the sake of the book becoming a "PR on the Internet" textbook. I skimmed through the history for helpful to-do list type items, or at least an example of what a social media release looks like. And some programs advocated are to expensive for our nonprofit budget.

Below are just a few tips I found useful in the first half of PR 2.0:

Even if you're a small company, you can afford to do research

- Research resources before a big campaign for small companies are:
http://www.highbeam.com/, http://www.cornerbarpr.com/, http://www.websurveyor.com/, http://www.surveymonkey/, http://www.surveygold.com/, http://www.mediamap.com/, http://www.usprwire.com/, http://www.clickpress.com/, http://www.sbwire.com/, http://www.marketwire.com/.

Big companies, lucky you, plenty of resources lie at your feet

-Research resources for larger companies where you can find either a database of media types, see who grabs your releases or see how your news fits in the world: http://www.hovers.com/, http://www.cision.com/, http://www.vocus.com/, http://www.prnewswire.com/, http://www.burrellesluce.com/, http://www.harrisinteracitve.com/

For everyone's online newsrooms

- Make an interactive newsroom by: adding RSS feeds, photo libraries with high resolution images, MP3 files or a podcast, video footage for Video-On-Demand, links to previous coverage on a topic with the ability to use del.icio.us or http://www.digg.com/ for social bookmarking (BTW-how do you do that?); use Technorati, which searches and organizes blogs and tracks how blogs are linked together while recording the relevance of the links to your subject matter.

More on beefing up your newsroom . . .

-In your news releases online and in your online newsroom: cut and paste links from your Web site directly into your social media template (release) including links to sites with photos, bios of management team, white papers or research studies, video clips, past or recent publicity discussing the topic, your company, or quoting an executive, groups that have similar perspectives on a topic, other Web sites that are useful to your topic and again, links directly to del.icio.us or Digg for journalists and bloggers to bookmark info. Good luck to me and whoever else doesn't know how to use del.icio.us or Digg yet.

You can get a copy on Amazon.com.

If you wrote a how-to book for PR 2.0, what tips would you include?

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